ELECTRONIC PROPOSALS for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and appurtenances for completion of this project shall be received by the Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority, (MNAA) Nashville, Tennessee, until and not later than 2:00 (local time) on February 20, 2024.  Proposers wishing to submit a non-electronic proposal may do so only after receiving written authorization from MNAA.  Written authorization to submit a non-electronic proposal may be requested by emailing at least five (5) days prior to the date proposals are due.  Proposers submitting a non-electronic proposal must submit a copy of the written authorization with their proposal package.



In consideration of the payment specified in this Agreement, Contractor shall provide, in a timely manner, all labor, supervision, parts, equipment, materials, tools, instruments, expendable items, supplies, reports, transportation, insurance, subcontracts, warranties, and incidentals necessary to perform services. Time is of the essence regarding the contractor’s performance of services under this Contract, and the time to perform, as stated in the Notice to proceed, shall control.


Fuel and Hazardous Liquid Leaks/Drips/Spills Clean-Up

Contractors shall, on an as-needed project basis, furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, supplies, and all incidentals required for the complete and satisfactory performance for the clean-up and disposal of fuel or other hazardous liquid spills. Contractors shall perform all work in compliance with the most current guidelines or regulations of the Tennessee State Agency responsible for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and other applicable laws and regulations. Spills may contain hazardous materials. The Contractor will employ Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) trained laborers to respond and clean spills at BNA and JWN. Spills include, but are not limited to Jet A Fuel, Propylene Glycol (aircraft deicer), lavatory waste, and diesel. The services the Contractor will be required to perform includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Elimination of the source of the spill
  • Containment and control of the spill
  • Clean-up of spill utilizing the appropriate methods and equipment
  • Removal and proper disposal of drums, contaminated materials and other materials related to a spill clean-up at a facility approved for the type of contaminant spilled
  • Preparation of all required documentation

The Contractor shall respond to requests for services 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Requests may be made by phone or text. The Contractor shall respond in a timely manner, no longer than one (1) hour from the initial notification of request for service.

  • A written report of actions taken, equipment used, the type of spill and the extent of material spilled.
  • Disposal transportation manifests to include any certificates of disposal for hazardous materials
  • Waste profiles and manifests shall be submitted to MNAA within thirty (30) days of final disposal/recycling.



The Contractor will develop and maintain a quality control program to ensure the requirements of the Contract are provided as specified. The Contractor’s program, at a minimum, will include a description of how each of the Objective and Expectations specified will be accomplished.


MNAA and other personnel appointed or assigned by MNAA are responsible for the inspection and monitoring of all Contractor work performed to ensure compliance with Contract requirements. Each phase of the services rendered under this Contract is subject to MNAA inspection, both during and after completion of work. The MNAA’s quality assurance (inspections/evaluations) is not a substitute for adequate and consistent quality control (manpower supervision/control/resource management) by the Contractor.

The MNAA has the right, at all times, to inspect the Contractor’s records, services performed, workmanship, and materials furnished and utilized in the performance of such services to the extent practicable. However, inspections will be conducted in a manner that will not unduly interrupt or delay the Contractor’s work.


MNAA will conduct work performance analyses as part of a quality assurance program. Each phase of the work rendered under the Contract is subject to MNAA’s inspection during any or all times of Contractor’s work and after completion of the tasks. The QA program is not a substitute for Contractor’s quality control.

Contractor will have work completed and ready for inspection at the times established and in accordance with all terms of the Contract.

The MNAA will have the right at all times to appoint auditors (both internal and independent), administrators, and such other personnel and representatives as deemed appropriate to examine, inspect, review, or audit procedures, methods, equipment, materials, supplies, controls, and records of Contractor and its agents to verify compliance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. MNAA will notify the Contractor in writing of any such requested inspection of records located off the premises. The Contractor covenants that it will immediately make available all such equipment, materials, supplies, chemicals, records, and other information for review and/or audit. The Contractor’s supervisory personnel will make themselves available on any given day for an inspection tour of the premises.

Facility inspections will be made to compare Contractor’s performance to contract specifications and procedures. MNAA is not restricted to any certain type of inspection. The Contract Compliance Group may adopt or change inspection method(s), quality assurance procedures, and increase or decrease the degree of inspection based upon contract modifications, lessons learned, technological changes, inspection documentation and changes to Contractor’s quality control system.

Performance of a listed service will be accepted when Contractor’s work meets contract provisions, standards, and specifications. “Accepted” as used herein means the act of MNAA or its


designated representative where it, on behalf of the MNAA, approves specific services as partial or complete performance of the contract. Failure MNAA during the progress of the Contract to discover or reject unacceptable work, or work not in accordance with the Contract, shall not be deemed an acceptance thereof, nor a waiver of MNAA’s right to a proper execution of the Contract or any part of it by the Contractor.

Notwithstanding inspection and acceptance by MNAA or any provision concerning the conclusiveness thereof, the Contractor will warrant that all services performed under the Contract will, at the time of acceptance, be free from defects in workmanship and conform to the requirements of the Contract. MNAA will give written notice of any defect or nonconformity to the Contractor within 15 days from the discovery of the defect or nonconformity. This notice will state either that the Contractor will correct or re-perform any defective or nonconforming service(s). If correction or re-performance is needed, the contractor will have 48 hours to correct or re-perform the service outlined in the notice. “Correct” as used herein means the elimination of defective or non-conforming services.

If the Contractor is required to correct or re-perform, it will be at no cost to the MNAA, and any services corrected or re-performed by the Contractor will be subject to the provisions contained herein to the same extent as work initially performed. If the Contractor fails or refuses to correct or re-perform, MNAA may, by contract or otherwise, correct or replace with similar services and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned to the MNAA thereby, or make a corresponding reduction in a scheduled payment to the Contractor and in the contract price.

The rights and remedies of the MNAA, as described herein, are in addition to all other rights and remedies contained in the contract or which are otherwise available to the MNAA as a matter of law.


Contractor’s employees will be dressed in a uniform that is acceptable to the MNAA. The Contractor will ensure every employee wears the appropriate uniform while working on the job site. The uniform must meet or exceed all safety related concerns such as steel toe shoes or other safety related uniform materials. An employee may be sent home if it is determined that s/he is not dressed in a required company uniform. The uniform will have the Contractor’s company name easily identifiable, affixed thereon in a permanent or semi-permanent manner such as a badge, patch or monogram. Any color combination, as appropriate, may be used for the uniforms. These uniforms must be supplied and maintained by the Contractor at no cost to the MNAA. As part of their uniform, the Contractor’s employees will display the Airport photo identification security badge issued by the MNAA’s Department of Public Safety.


The Contractor must register all company vehicles, that will be onsite with the MNAA. All Contractor vehicles must display the company’s name and logo on the front doors (both sides) of the vehicles in accordance with MNAA regulations. Company vehicles must continually be insured and meet MNAA’s insurance requirements, as referenced in Section IV-Paragraph K, Insurance Requirements.



THE RFP DOCUMENTS.  Copies of the Contract Documents (RFP, Proposal Schedule, Attachments, etc.) will be available on or after January 15, 2025  and may be obtained electronically from B2GNow E-Bidding an online tendering service.


ELECTRONIC PROPOSALS for <On- Call Spill Response Services will be submitted through this online platform, B2GNow E-Bidding.


Important:  All bid opportunities can be viewed, and documents downloaded through the new MNAA Procurement e-bidding System.  The new e-bidding System is an integral part of the Business Diversity Management System located at URL:  https://flynashville.diversitycompliance.comVendors must register to download the solicitation and select the appropriate North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Codes). Click on the ‘View Active Bid Opportunity Listings” button for additional information.


Submission Instructions: Proposers will be required to register with the e-bidding platform prior to downloading the proposal. Registration is free. The Proposer must scan all required proposal documents, including the Prime/Subcontractor License Information (if applicable) and upload to the appropriate solicitation file on the e-bidding system.  All submittal questions shall be directed to the Procurement Department, fax number (615) 275-2349 or email:

Please note that your organization must have an Authorized Signer to sign the proposal documents, the authorized signer has the authority to bind your company to each and every term, condition, article and obligation of the Insert and any resultant Contract.

Proposers are advised to review the RFP Documents carefully prior to submitting a Proposal on the Project.  Proposers are also advised to review the RFP and Instructions to Proposers carefully prior to preparing their Proposals.


Proposals must be submitted on the Proposal Form included in the RFP Documents and the successful Proposer will be required to execute the Contract and other documents requiring execution that are included in the Contract Documents.


the Work.


PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE.  A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. (central) January 22, 2025, in the Nashville International Airport, CSF Conference Room at the Consolidated Service Facility, at CSF at 815 Hangar Lane, Nashville, TN 37217. Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory. A one-time tour of the project site will be conducted after the meeting.


SMALL MINORITY WOMAN-owned BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (SWMBE) PARTICIPATION.  It is the MNAA’s objective to promote, encourage, and stimulate participation of local, small, minority and woman-owned business enterprises (SMWBE) within its organization and the economic community served by it so as to provide maximum opportunities to participate in contracts, programs and all related business activities of the MNAA. MNAA will apply the local small minority woman business participation levels where expenditures and purchases are made with non-federal funding, and to all contracts, leases, management agreements, consultants, prime contractors, subcontractors, respondents, proposers, or proposers involved in the performance of a commercially useful task for MNAA.

Proposers are encouraged to meet SMWBE participation levels established by the Director, Business Diversity Development, or, if unable to meet the participation level, engage in good faith efforts to joint venture, subcontract, or contract for supplies or services with SMWBEs. The attainment of the SMWBE participation level established for this contract is to be measured as a percentage of the total dollar value of the contract. The SMWBE participation level established for this Contract will be 7.18% MBE and/or WBE. For information on eligible SMWBE firms, proposers should visit or contact Business Diversity Development, at (615) 275-4302.


RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS.  MNAA proposes to award the Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible Proposer, provided it has met the goals for SMWBE participation or, if failing to meet the goals, has made an acceptable good faith effort to meet the established goals for the SMWBE participation.  Proposer is advised that MNAA reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals submitted, to waive any and all informalities, irregularities and/or technicalities in any Proposal or Proposal Guaranty, to accept any Proposal deemed advantageous to it and to negotiate changes, deletions, or additions to these Contract Documents with the successful Proposer.