ELECTRONIC PROPOSALS for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and appurtenances for completion of this project shall be received by the Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority, (MNAA) Nashville, Tennessee, until and not later than 2:00 PM (central time) on Monday, March 17, 2025. Proposers wishing to submit a non-electronic proposal may do so only after receiving written authorization from MNAA. Written authorization to submit a non-electronic proposal may be requested by emailing at least five (5) days prior to the date proposals are due. Proposers submitting a non-electronic proposal must submit a copy of the written authorization with their proposal package.
SCOPE. The Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority along with John C. Tune (JWN) is responsible for providing the fuel needed to keep our entire airport-owned equipment and fleet vehicles operating. In an effort to reduce the need to compete fuel prices each time a request is needed, the airport is requesting proposals from qualified vendors for fuel delivery for a contract period of 60 months. Only one successful proposer will be identified via this solicitation to supply Gasoline (Non-Ethanol), E10 Gasoline, and Diesel fuel to both the BNA and JWN locations.
The contractor chosen for this project must be a licensed fuel delivery company and be registered with the State of Tennessee and must present a copy of the license to the Authority. The contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, tools, materials, machinery, equipment, permits, and incidentals necessary for the satisfactory execution and completion of the work to be performed.
Scope Detail:
• Pickup / loading, delivery and unloading of requested fuel into filtered tanks.
• Fuel deliveries being provided between the hours of 7:00am and 2:00pm unless prior arrangements have been made.
• Responsible for the complete and timely performance of all the services under the contract.
• Must be available 24 hours a day if emergency requests are placed.


• Emergency Fuel Request will have a mandatory 12-hour response (on-site, not response) time
from time of notification.

• Contractor will have a minimum fuel reserve of 50,000 gallons of gasoline and diesel on hand and
available within a 50-mile radius of Nashville.
• Contractor must have a local presence within the surrounding Metropolitan Nashville region for
prompt response time. If sub-contractors are used for fuel delivery, the Contractor is to be the
sole entity coordinating with MNAA directly on deliveries
• All fuel must be pumped through filters into tanks owned by BNA. The filters do not impede flow
from the tanker to the fuel tank. The time is standard.
• Pricing shall be provided based on Exhibit D – Cost Proposal Form.

• All tanks are above ground and require a pump truck.

• Diesel shall be Ultra Low Sulfur Road Fuel (ULSD)

• Non-ethanol shall be 87 Octane

• Typically, Transport loads are ordered for BNA and for JWN

THE RFP DOCUMENTS. Copies of the Contract Documents (RFP, Proposal Schedule, Attachments, etc.)
will be available on or after Friday , January 31, 2025 and may be obtained electronically from
B2GNow E-Bidding an online tendering service.
JWN will be submitted through this online platform, B2GNow E-Bidding.




















Important: All bid opportunities can be viewed, and documents downloaded through the new MNAA
Procurement e-bidding System. The new e-bidding System is an integral part of the Business
Diversity Management System located at URL: Vendors must register to download the solicitation
and select the appropriate North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Codes). Click on
the ‘View Active Bid Opportunity Listings” button for additional information.


Submission Instructions: Proposers will be required to register with the e-bidding platform prior
to downloading the proposal. Registration is free. The Proposer must scan all required proposal
documents, including the Prime/Subcontractor License Information (if applicable) and upload to

the appropriate solicitation file on the e-bidding system. All submittal questions shall be
to the Procurement Department, fax number (615) 275-2349 or email:
Please note that your organization must have an Authorized Signer to sign the proposal documents,
the authorized signer has the authority to bind your company to each and every term, condition,
article and obligation of the Insert and any resultant Contract.
Proposers are advised to review the RFP Documents carefully prior to submitting a Proposal on the
Project. Proposers are also advised to review the RFP and Instructions to Proposers carefully prior
to preparing their Proposals.

Proposals must be submitted on the Proposal Form included in the RFP Documents and the successful
Proposer will be required to execute the Contract and other documents requiring execution that are
included in the Contract Documents.

PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE. A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Friday, February 7, 2025, at
12:00 p.m. (central time) at CSF Building located at 815 Hangar Lane, Nashville, TN 37217, in the
CSF Meeting Room. Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory.

is the MNAA’s objective to promote, encourage, and stimulate participation of local, small,
minority and woman-owned business enterprises (SMWBE) within its organization and the economic
community served by it so as to provide maximum opportunities to participate in contracts, programs
and all related business activities of the MNAA. MNAA will apply the local small minority woman
business participation levels where expenditures and purchases are made with non- federal funding,
and to all contracts, leases, management agreements, consultants, prime contractors,
subcontractors, respondents, proposers, or proposers involved in the performance of a commercially
useful task for MNAA.

Proposers are encouraged to meet SMWBE participation levels established by the Director, Business
Diversity Development, or, if unable to meet the participation level, engage in good faith efforts
to joint venture, subcontract, or contract for supplies or services with SMWBEs. The attainment of
the SMWBE participation level established for this contract is to be measured as a percentage of
the total dollar value of the contract. The SMWBE participation level established for this Contract
will be the level established for this Contract is Zero Percent (0%) RACE AND GENDER NEUTRAL. For
information on eligible SMWBE firms, proposers should visit
development or contact Business Diversity Development, at (615) 275-4302.


RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS. MNAA proposes to award the Contract to the lowest responsive
and responsible Proposer, provided it has met the goals for SMWBE participation or, if failing to
meet the goals, has made an acceptable good faith effort to meet the established goals for the
SMWBE participation. Proposer is advised that MNAA reserves the right to reject any and all
Proposals submitted, to waive any and all informalities, irregularities and/or technicalities in
any Proposal or Proposal Guaranty, to accept any Proposal deemed advantageous to it and to
negotiate changes, deletions, or additions to these Contract Documents with the successful